Friday, 25 May 2012

Storyboard animatics and minute extracts

How are yours going? Leave a comment, let me know (because I'm bored and because I want to make sure that next year you're all over your blogs like very attentive and media-terminology-fuelled rashes. Not the nicest image, I admit).



  1. lolBusted

    Does the animatic have to be any particular format (e.g. photos/drawings etc).?

    1. How's your planning going for your two projects?

  2. Completely up to you. Whatever you feel most comfortable with / think will be most successful.

    1. Planning = nicht gut. Will hopefully have more time to work on it now the exams are out of the way.

      Not sure which'd work better to be honest; drawing would allow for less going around taking millions of pictures only to realise that they look terrible as well as allowing for further conceptual development than what would be possible otherwise down to not having access to lots of tech right now; though I am a terrible artist.

      Hope to have a bit of time soon where I can listen to the song a few times whilst brainstorming some ideas. Hopefully I'll be able to come up with something interesting as opposed to just drawing pictures of rams.

    2. You should do amazing MS Paint edits like I have, Harry, they come out spiffing and look so professional. :')

    3. Or draw cack-handedly like my FOTL offering which is currently under construction. The song's only 1:56 long, and I think it'll need prefacing with 1:56 of text apologising for crimes against art.

  3. Oh, I forgot to also say: Sir, can I use the Mac room on Thursday periods 3 & 4? Every time I try to open up Movie Maker or anything similar, my laptop decides it doesn't want to live any more so I am unable to do mine at home!

    1. I reckon so, yes. I shall check SIMS tomorrow but I thik OCR Nationals are finished with it regardless so should be absolutely fine.

    2. Noone is timetabled in there so no problem. Just come and grab the keys off me.

    3. Did you get in there ok? Did Ms W open it for you?

    4. I'm not going in there til tomorrow, I wasn't in school today :)

    5. Yeah, days of the week...pah...who pays attention to them? Clearly not your Media teacher. Apologies.

  4. Oh dear, in the last couple of days the brilliant YouTube channel of a great Media centre has been terminated for multiple copyright infringements. This is why copyright is so important. We will discuss during a lesson.

  5. My laptop charger has died. Fully died. It's deader than a door nail. And it keeps ticking like it's going to explode so i'm terrified to use it. I tell you this because my laptop is the thing that contains my animatic and pictures of my storyboard.

    So until I get a new charger (which hopefully will be next week) there will be no news on my animatic. Other than that it's been going brilliantly. :)

    1. Oh no!

      Anything I can do to be useful?

      Had the same thing happen when I was doing my Masters (back in the day when USBs were 1gb if you were lucky and really expensive) and within three days of each other 1) my PC died, 2) my laptop died, 3) one floppy disc fell apart 4) the other floppy disc I feel your pain. Hope the delay doesn't prove insurmountable. Hey, tak it as a chance to demonstrate excellent time management.
