Friday, 13 July 2012

Medias in the Online Age

Stumbleupon is useful to have a look at ready for when you start looking at Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 after September to see how peer-sourcing works.

Most of my blog hits which aren't you guys are coming from Stumbleupon now, all the virus sites and sites in bot nets are dropping out of the top ten.

Other useful links:

Newspapers in the online age - the future of newspapers in the online age, video, audio files, transcript of lecture by Clay Shirky one of your key theoritsts for Section 2 of the A2 exam.

Audience feedback in the online age - Clay Shirky article on how comments are used, abused, and can make or break web-based platforms.

Online threats to the music industry - is it?

Just a heads up, not a homework task, just some things worth having a look at.

Remember, for the Section 2 question:
  • light touch on the past (you must, must, must know about the past but not to the extent that you spend half your hour writing about the Caxton printing press or Lithography - 1980 onwards is where the really interesting stuff happens for us);
  • really detailed and sustained on the present; and
  • have an interesting anfd thoughtful theoretical position on the future of the impact of the online age on a range of media platforms.
Ta da.


  1. Link 1 - skimmed this, but it seems to be about newspapers being under threat. They are, because I can either pay money for the news or I can find it out online for free (from multiple sources to get a less biased understanding at that).

    Link 2 - Ridiculous comments should be kept off of the front page of any self-respecting publication platform for the sake of professionalism (unless they're hilarious enough to justify otherwise), but they should still be left alone under a "Read More" kind of thing. Everyone should be allowed to express an opinion, no matter how stupid it may be.

    Link 3 - I still feel that these "oh no you're killing the industry!" reports are heavily over-exaggerated; if anyone genuinely believes that each illegal download is place-holding a genuine sale they are highly misled. People acquire things this way if they don't have the money/are not willing to spend money on them - had they not had the option of pirating the music, they just wouldn't own it, simple as.

    There's also the whole "try-before-you-buy" argument - though I'm convinced that pretty much anyone who says they pirate stuff and buy what they like is a flat-out liar, I do recall the vast number of albums I've bought over the years from being introduced to the artist from them releasing a sampler EP or streaming the songs on their website etc.. This is a practice the big boss guys seem to frown upon, but as far as I'm concerned, you need to give something to get something.

    We can't focus too much on media acquisition from the past? There goes my idea from writing about how the literature industry were under as much threat from piracy in the past as they are today, because people could always just borrow a book from a friend and write it out on a typewriter as they read it...

  2. And don't forget photocopying and people with photographic memories!

    Out of interest, where does most of your blog traffic come from?

  3. I -

    II -

    Judging by the search keywords on I there are a few AS students who've found it...

    Also, those filthy pirates who have photographic memories... shame on them.

    (I also had the thought a while back about how when 3D printing is more advanced in the future it will be possible to pirate physical products! NO COPYRIGHT LAW IN THE UNIVERSE IS GOING TO STOP ME.)

  4. On a slightly related note, what will be the fate of this blog? Are you handing it over, letting Mr N and Ms C start a new blog and letting this one fade into the obscurity of the internets, or continuing using this for your angry outbursts and/or FotL fanboy moments?

    1. This will remain mine, to which you are all of course welcome to remain ardent followers, as I'll use it for my new Year 12 (dunno if there'll be much on it as suspect I'll be doing exam side and will probably end up on the VLE more for that than the blog. The new media team are deciding how they'll set up blogs.

    2. For your sake it'd probably be beneficial if I tone down the level of redundant comments about things which are completely unrelated to your OP then, I guess? Unfortunately other people do not share our sense of humour... :P

      Otherwise I can be "that guy". Which is a position I'm more than happy to fulfil.

    3. Nah, you keep doing what you do!

    4. Can do! Have fun explaining to your new class what that guy who looks like the entrance to a void of some kind is doing compulsively stalking your blog :D

      If you get folks who you haven't taught before they're quite possibly going to wonder what the heck we're on about in most of these comment lines. This could be fun :D

    5. He he, fortunately next Year's 12s were 8s when I first started there and I'd taught (counts furiously and roughly from old register piles) 100 of 'em (give or take the 4 or 5 who had the misfortune to have me for two years) by the time I'd left so they know all too well what I'm like.

    6. Are there any of them who thought they'd try giving you grief once they found out you were leaving last time? If so, you may be able to have a bit of fun soon :P

    7. Nah, didn't get any grief at all :)

  5. I stumbled upon this website today (see what I did there? Comical genius) on the statistics page. I don't know what people were looking for on that website to come up with my blog, but apparently people are finding it on there.


      Signed up to this thing just to see what the heck it was; turns out you pick different categories of your interests and it shows you web page after web page that have something to do with the categories you pick.

      I'm guessing they've just got a link to Google's database on there somewhere and that's why the blogs all seem to get hits from it. Alternatively they might be sending a spider out, and said spider hit the domain.

    2. See, now I don't know enough about technology to know whether a spider is a computer thing or if you mean an actual spider.

      That's a great mental image.

    3. Sadly it's the former. 'Tis a great shame because the latter would be much cooler.

      The spiders are the programmes that they unleash into the wonderful world of the internets to track information which is fed back to the source - like how Google send their spiders out to find web pages, which are then listed in Google's findings.

      ... And now I notice I've just taken what is a fairly simple concept once you know what it means, and explained it in a really confusing manner. How do I human?

    4. Aww, I was hoping there would be like an army of spiders sitting at computers, surfing for good stuff.

      I think I get it. :')

    5. ...

      This needs to happen :D


    I imagine it would look something like that.

  7. I am commenting again to get this up to 20 comments. /beingdifficult
