Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Comments incoming...

...but very, very slowly. It has so far taken me 33 to minutes to post a comment on Jenay's blog. Virign did say to expect rubbishness for the next two weeks and to try and be patient but, man, as much as I love you all and enjoy looking at your blogs, 30 minutes a comment will see me sat here til midnight to just post one comment on each of your blogs!

If I don't post tonight there may be a delay in for a couple of days in getting comments up for you as the next few days  are looking like they'll be 12 hours solid on-site. Will get round all the blogs as soon as I physically have time and a vaguely working internet.

For those of you who have missed the deadline and not seen me about it, that'll be useful.

Due today were (1) the minute extracts (unless I'd cleared you for an extension due to technical issues / Year 7 trying to take the camera to you in form time but deciding you were called Ernie and in room 33 so you ended up cameraless for a couple of weeks etc) and (2) the animatics and storyboards.

Not too impressed at the level of failure to meet the first deadlines, for which you had over 30 days to complete. I'll use the deadlines for the next two pieces to decide how strong the home:school contact needs to be.

Real shame that the first posts for some of you will only give me evidence of level 2 time management.

Welcome to A2. Need to step up. 

Or you will fall behind very quickly.


  1. I am a terrible human being who takes too long to get stuff done.

    I -should- be able to get the animatic finished Thursday. I believe I got the final 'original' work done today (the solo movement), now it's a case of rejigging the stocks to fill the last minute or so.

    Have started audience info collection - http://flame95.polldaddy.com/s/music-video-survey - which finishes at IIRC 12:00 on Thurs. Have had a few responses so far; obviously some are silly ones (this is the internet after all) but most seem genuine.

    Still to get done:
    1- FotL recreation (Thurs)
    2- Hip-hop conventions
    3- Lip-sync video

    Sorry, this was going somewhere but I forget where...


    How well stocked are we for guitars/guitar straps? If we need more straps I have a few here, just most of them are either badly beaten up or tiny (but will do the job if need be). Am about to get drawing us some signs for the 'blue people' to hold up. :D

    1. Couple of straps could be useful as a belt and braces approach, yeah. Thanks for work in progress info, we'd established you'd need an extended deadline so I'm confident (and have seen) the work is well underway.

      Make sure once the fallout from the impact of the issues from other subjects is fully dealt with that you're completely bang on with the Media bits - it is worth points. And points mean university places.

  3. The raws from yesterday are exporting now, should be up in about an hour :D

  4. I am very excited at just how imbecilic, I mean, amazingly talented we all look.
